Photographing Scotland's Most EPIC Landscapes - The Isles of Harris and Lewis

A Return to the Ultimate Landscape Photography Location in the UK

Back in 2018 I made my first visit to The Outer Hebrides and the Isles of Harris and Lewis. From the moment I visited my first location and stood on the beach at Luskentyre I knew this place would capture my heart (photographically speaking). I spent the next week exploring and photographing some of the most spectacular and amazing scenery I had ever seen in the UK. As soon as I left, I wanted to go back. And go back soon.

However, as most you will know, life has a funny habit of getting in the way of such grand plans and it would be nearly 6 years before I was able to return. My memories of that amazing island didn’t fade over that time and I told anyone that would listen that they must also visit Harris & Lewis, even if they weren’t a photographer.

So, when an opportunity presented itself to return to this magical island I jumped at the chance. Not even a two-day road trip was enough to put me off reaching my Hebridean destination.

The problem with setting high expectations is that it can often lead to disappointment. Surely the Isles of Harris & Lewis wouldn’t do that to me? Though I didn’t film at every location I photographed, I hope this video will give you an idea of what it was like there. Was I disappointed or am I already thinking about going back? Enjoy!

Landscape Photographs of Harris and Lewis

Here are the landscape photographs that you saw in the video. I captured and processed about twice as many, but I had to draw the line somewhere!