Halloween Zombie Ball 2014
I knew before I turned up at the Lemon Grove to cover this years Halloween Zombie Ball that it was going to be a BIG night of rock music. I was not wrong. And with at least six bands to cover and an army of zombies to wade through to get from one stage to the other, I had a lot of work to do!
First up were local band Cambion.
Cambion were also good enough to invite MusicMuso and myself back stage for an interview. I always like getting the meet the bands back stage to take some photos and hear the bands story.
Next up we have I Divide who really kicked up a storm on the 2nd stage.
I Divide
I really like this next shot. The beaming red lights in the background seem to suit the look of the guitarist from Glamour of the Kill.
Glamour of the Kill
And the action doesn't stop there. Here we have Kill All The Gentleman.
Kill All The Gentleman
Running across back to the main stage I caught up with Knotslip.
And my 2nd to last shot for this blog entry is The Dreamer Within.
The Dreamer Within
And finally, my favourite band of the night, the kick ass Skindred.
As you can see, it was a very busy night of shooting, but I loved it. Life is much easier when the bands know how to use the stage and get the crowd going. I just wish I hadn't decided to get up at 5.30am that day to take some landscape photos. Yes, that's right, I do have a more arty side to me as well!
See you next time on the Unplugged Blog where I will be bringing you images straight from the Boomtown Rats gig. Bye!