Landscape Photography with the Viltrox 23mm and 24mm Lenses for Nikon Z Mount (Review)

From No Choice to Lots of Choices

I’ve loved my Nikon Z7 from the moment I got it but the one minor gripe I did have at the time of purchase was the lack of native Z mount lenses. Two years on and the landscape of Z mount lenses is quite different. Nikon has flushed out their lens line up and several 3rd party lens manufacturers have started producing Z mount lenses. I’m almost spoilt for choice now!

For the most part, I prefer the convenience of zoom lenses for my landscape photography. For me, they are a good balance between flexibility in focal length and aperture. Many of my landscape photographs are captured between f/8 and f/13 so I didn’t have a need for fast aperture lenses. Since purchasing the Nikon Z fc though, I now need a fast prime for my video work and capturing family photographs.

While I could have purchased some of Nikon’s excellent prime lenses for Z mount, I wanted something that was a bit more budget friendly. How much you choose to spend on a lens will be based on several factors, but I decided to look at the Viltrox lenses as I felt they represented a good balance between price, quality and how often I was going to use them.

In the videos below I explain why I have the 23mm f/1.4 for Nikon DX (crop) lens and the 24mm f/1.8 for Nikon full frame, what I think of these lenses, and I’ll do the most important thing with any bit of gear and that is head out on location to capture some landscape photographs!

 Viltrox 23mm f/1.4 for Nikon Z Mount DX (Crop)

Viltrox 23mm f/1.4 Sample Image Gallery

Viltrox 24mm f/1.8 for Nikon Z Mount Full Frame

Viltrox 24mm f/1.8 Sample Image Gallery