Bite-Size Blog Post #25 - Bude Sea Pool

And Now for Something Completely Different and Unexpected

My last few blog posts have all featured photographs of Dartmoor. Hardly surprising given that it’s my local area for landscape photography! I do however like to venture further afield, especially to Cornwall, but the driving distances involved normally mean I’ll only go if there is a good reason to. i.e. The conditions are looking favourable for a bit of coastal photography.

The story behind this photograph is a little different though. This wasn’t a planned shoot. In fact, I was only going through to Cornwall to pick up a tripod which I had left in a friend’s car after a long photography trip. I had already checked the weather, and it was looking overcast and flat. But sometimes the forecast is wrong, so I packed my camera anyway. Better to have it and not need it, than the other way around.

Arriving at my friend’s house the weather was indeed a bit rubbish. No chance of an epic sunset over some high cliff tops or over a golden beach. He made a very good suggestion though, and that was to try Bude Sea Pool. I had photographed once before, but without any real success, so a return trip to capture some moody long exposures seemed the perfect thing to do.

And here’s the result. Perhaps not the most original of compositions but there’s only so many angles you can shoot the sea pool when it’s high tide and the waves are crashing in. I rather like it and it’s very different from my recent Dartmoor photographs. So not only did I get my tripod back, but I also bagged a pleasing photograph. Happy days.

Bude Sea Pool, Cornwall - Nikon Z8, Nikkor Z 24-120mm f/4 S at 92mm, f/11, 90 secs at ISO 64, Kase Filters CPL and ND.