Bite-Size Blog Post #20 - Ger Tor - Dartmoor National Park

Just Out for a Wander

Most of my decisions to go out with the camera are based on what the weather is doing.  Will the time, effort, and cost of going result in the reasonable likelihood of capturing a good landscape photograph?  This approach might sound like it lacks any spontaneity, and to a certain extent it does, but with limited resources and availability, I need to be pragmatic about these things sometimes.  However, life isn't always about making pragmatic or even the best decisions.  Sometimes you just want to throw caution to the wind and go out for a walk. 

I had a spare evening a few weeks ago, and while the weather forecast didn't look great for photography, I really wanted to go for a walk and because I feel naked without my camera, I took it with me anyway.  After scanning my OS Maps and struggling to find somewhere new to explore, I settled on Ger Tor.  This is a location I had briefly walked to before, but that was some time ago and now seemed as good as time as any to give it another visit to see if I was missing anything.

Time To Explore 

It's a reasonable walk from the car park to Ger Tor but I wasn't in any hurry or stressing about photography, so I took my time to enjoy the experience.  Arriving at Ger Tor I spent about an hour wandering about looking for compositions.  I'd get the camera out every now and again and I shot a few handheld photos of this new Dartmoor photography location.  It was a really positive experience giving myself the time to explore a location without the pressure of capturing a good photograph. 

Ger Tor #1, Dartmoor National Park, Devon - Nikon Z7, Nikkor Z 14-30mm f/4 S at 20mm, f/11, 1/125 secs at ISO 1000.

Relax and the Photographs Will Come

Taking a break, I sat down and took in the view.  In one direction the forecasted clouds started to roll in and it looked like I might be in for a soaking.  I was just about to pack up when the sun made an appearance behind me, and dappled light appeared on the landscape and the rocks.  These moments on Dartmoor can be fleeting so I immediately grabbed my camera and captured some more handheld shots.

Ger Tor #2, Dartmoor National Park, Devon - Nikon Z7, Nikkor Z 14-30mm f/4 S at 19mm, f/11, 1/125 secs at ISO 1000.

The light was indeed fleeting, but I captured some unexpectedly nice photographs of Ger Tor.  Certainly, nice enough for me to stick a (virtual) pin on my map for it.  But more than that, it was a good reminder not to overly plan my Dartmoor photography and to be a bit more spontaneous.  You never know what might happen.

Ger Tor #3, Dartmoor National Park, Devon - Nikon Z7, Nikkor Z 14-30mm f/4 S at 17mm, f/11, 1/125 secs at ISO 1000.