My Favourite / Top 5 / Best Landscape Photography Locations in Devon
In this special blog post and video I take you on a mini tour of my 5 favourite landscape photography locations in Devon.
Read MoreIn this special blog post and video I take you on a mini tour of my 5 favourite landscape photography locations in Devon.
Read MoreIn this blog post I discuss the day I spent volunteering with a ranger on Dartmoor National Park and why it was important as a photographer to give something back to one of my favourite locations.
Read MoreIs this blog post I chat about seeing one of my images printed in Outdoor Photography magazine and how this inspires and motivates me to work harder at my photography.
Read MoreIn this blog post I discuss the power of perseverance and why I keep going back to Bowerman's Nose on Dartmoor.
Read MoreIn this blog I discuss the challenges of shooting on a beach and I give my own image a critique.
Read MoreIn this blog post I write about a recent trip to The Valley of the Rocks where I nervously flew my drone in strong winds and shared a cliff top perch with two other photographers to photograph Ragged Jack.
Read MoreIn this video blog post I show you some of the planning tools I use to help increase the chances of a succesfull trip out with the camera. After that I take you on a trip to shoot seascapes at Dawlish Warren to see if all the planning was worth it!
Read MoreIn this video blog post I head out to Fingle Bridge and the Teign valley to scout out some locations for an autumn themed shoot.
Read MoreIn this video blog post I decide to leave my Nikon D750 behind and spend the evening shooting photographs with my DJI Phantom 3 4K. You'll see me head out to the south Devon coast to Peak Hill near Sidmouth on the South West Coast Path where I will experiment with using a drone for landscape photography. The results are rather interesting!
Read MoreIt's all to easy to concentrate on the scene in front of you, but as I discovered there can be a lot going on just behind you.
Read MoreIn this blog post I discuss my other photographic passion and how it has benefited my landscape photography.
Read MoreDo you enter photography competitions? Do they bring pain or joy? Let's discuss!
Read MoreTuition and mentoring has had a massive impact on my photography. Read more about this part of my photographic journey in this blog post.
Read MoreIn this blog post I discuss the value of practicing photography, no matter the weather forecast.
Read MoreIn this blog post I introduce the blog and myself!
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